New Orchard
We have just (early April 2014) planted a new orchard near to the cabins site so that hopefully we can supply in season apples,pears and plums to our guests. This is the first time I have tired this, so fingers crossed everything survives and grows well.
If all goes well we may take a few fruit autumn/winter 2015 but mostly starting in late 2016. We have planted 2 plums trees, 2 pear trees, 4 cooking apple trees and 12 eating apples trees.
Finished orchard on a stunning Suffolk morning! Hopefully we will get some blossom this spring.
Here we are in spring 2014 digging over the plots again but mixing in matured manure form our cattle. This will help give the trees lots of good nutrients to help them get established.
Here we have the finished orchard, you will note a perforated pipe sticking out of the ground, I did this as I thought it would be a good way to ensure when weekly watering the trees it goes straight down to the roots as well as some percolating through the soil when watering on the top. For those with a keen eye you may spot a white thing on the post, that is a piece of soap which may hopefully keep the naughty deer from eating the shoots!